As a member of the Henry family from Dierre Fort in Saint Lucia, Joshimar Andre Henry grew up being exposed to music and several instruments. While he initially had interest in playing the drums, under his father’s coaching he picked up and gained mastery of the keyboard. This very soon became Joshimar’s mark and ministry. He brought a new experience to worship and his passion was evident whenever you watched him play.

In honour of Dr. Henry's life, his passion and his ministry, his family has launched the Dr. Joshimar Andre Henry Legacy Fund through the Dierre Fort S.D.A Church. This Fund is being established to provide the instruments, equipment and human resource to teach music to the young people of the community and the church. It is the hope and aim that by exposing and teaching as many young people, we will continue to spread the joy that Joshimar so evidently experienced and shared while he played.

We invite you to contribute to Joshimar's legacy and to impact his community.

$10,060.00 Raised

63 Backers


The beneficiary (Dierre Fort SDA Church) will receive the donation directly.

  • Janalee henry

    ,Our brother was a major source of inspiration to us. We would like to pay that inspiration forward in helping others inspire others.

  • Janalee & Jenamy henry

    ,Our brother was a major source of inspiration to us. We would like to pay that inspiration forward in helping others inspire others.

  • E Charles

    ,May god bless this project to the desired end. Blessings

  • Dionisha Paul

    ,Payment for Violin classes for June and July

  • Dionisha Paul

    ,Tuition for August and September

  • Claudia Henry

    ,Contribution for September

  • Amaya/Evani gervais

    ,Contribution for september

  • Dionisha Paul

    ,Samsha Albertine violin tuition for October 2022

  • Evani/amaya gervais

    ,Contribution for octobEr

  • Dionisha Paul

    ,January and February 2023

  • Pauletta Morgan

    ,Payment for March

  • Evani&amaya gervais

    ,March 2023

  • Evani & amaya gervais

    ,For june 2023